Perpetual Kanbans and Cycles
  • 25 Apr 2024
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Perpetual Kanbans and Cycles

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Article Summary

Understanding Perpetual Kanbans vs Cycles in DevStride

DevStride offers two primary frameworks for managing work—Perpetual Kanbans and Cycles. Each serves different project management needs by utilizing a distinct approach to work organization.


Perpetual Kanbans

A Perpetual Kanban is a continuous workflow system that does not have a defined start or end date. It's ideal for ongoing tasks that require constant attention and quick turnaround. In DevStride, Perpetual Kanban boards allow you to visualize work as it moves through various stages without being constrained by time.

  • Perpetual Nature Explained: Unlike cycles, which are time-bound, the perpetual model means work can be added, started, and completed at any time, offering flexibility and adaptability to change.


Cycles, on the other hand, are time-boxed periods during which work is planned, executed, and reviewed. They are ideal for iterative development and continuous improvement. In DevStride, you can identify Cycles with labels such as Past, Current, and Future, representing the timeline of work.

  • Past Cycles: These represent completed periods of work and provide a historical view of what has been accomplished.
  • Current Cycles: This label is applied to the active time-box, indicating ongoing work that is currently in progress.
  • Future Cycles: These are planned upcoming periods, allowing for forward planning and task allocation.

The key difference between Perpetual Kanbans and Cycles lies in the time sensitivity of tasks. Perpetual Kanbans focus on continuous flow without set time constraints, while Cycles organize work into specific, time-boxed intervals, allowing teams to focus on deliverables within a set timeframe.

By understanding the differences between Perpetual Kanbans and Cycles, teams can better organize their work to match their project management style and delivery requirements.

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