Setting Up Basic Automations
  • 18 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Setting Up Basic Automations

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Article Summary

To add an automation in DevStride, click the Add Automation button in the top right corner of the screen.

Choose a description for the newly created automation, and depending on the parameters required for your specific automation, choose a trigger and the subsequent action.

For a highly efficient automation workflow in DevStride, consider the following steps before creating new automations:

  • Identify the Automation Requirement: Determine the specific task or activity that you want to automate. It could be a repetitive task, a notification trigger, a data update, or any other action that can be systematized.

  • Explore Automation Features: Familiarize yourself with the automation features offered by DevStride. These features could include pre-built automation templates, custom workflows, rule-based triggers, or integration with external automation tools.

  • Define the Automation Logic: Determine the conditions and actions that will trigger the automation. For example, you might want to automate the assignment of tasks to specific team members when a certain milestone is reached or send a notification when a task is overdue.

  • Test and Refine: Before deploying the automation to your live project, thoroughly test it in a controlled environment. Ensure that it functions as expected and produces the desired outcomes. If needed, make any adjustments or refinements to fine-tune the automation.

  • Deploy and Monitor: Once you are satisfied with the automation, deploy it to your live project. Monitor its performance and effectiveness over time to ensure it continues to deliver the intended benefits. Make any necessary modifications or updates as your project evolves.

  • Review and Improve: Regularly review the effectiveness of the automation and gather feedback from users. Identify areas for improvement and explore additional automation opportunities to further streamline your project management processes.

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