FAQ - Board Hierarchy
  • 05 Mar 2024
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FAQ - Board Hierarchy

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Article Summary

DevStride Board Management Guide

In DevStride, boards are central to managing your projects and workflows. This guide will walk you through the process of creating new boards, editing planning cadences, and organizing your boards into folders.

Creating a New Board

Step 1: Accessing the 'New Board' Interface

  • Click on the NEW button next to the 'Boards' header to open the 'New Board' dialog box.

Step 2: Filling Out Board Details

  • Location: Select the location where the board will be placed. This is typically a folder or a specific section within your DevStride environment.
  • Name: Enter a name for your new board. This should be descriptive of the tasks or projects it will contain.
  • Description: Provide a brief description of the board's purpose.
  • Status Collection: Choose a status collection for the items in this board. These can be customized in your organization settings.

Step 3: Finalizing the Board Creation

  • Default Team: Select a default team, if applicable. This pre-populates the team field when creating new items on this board.
  • Click Create Board to finalize the creation of your new board.

new board.png

Editing Planning Cadences

Planning cadences in DevStride help organize the frequency and structure of your work periods, such as sprints or quarters.

Step 1: Access Cadences

Navigate to Settings > Data Model > Cadences. Here you can add a new cadence or edit an existing one.

Step 2: Configure Cadences

Click New Planning Cadence to create a new one or select an existing cadence to modify. Enter the cadence label, which defines its name, and set the frequency by specifying how often a new timebox will be created (e.g., every 2 weeks) and the unit of time (days, weeks, months).

Step 3: Modifying Cadences

  • For existing cadences, click on the desired cadence to edit it.
  • Fill in the details of the cadence, such as the name, start and end dates, and the length in days.

Step 4: Set Timebox Labels

Define a naming convention for your timeboxes using variables like ${label}, ${counter}, ${year}, etc. The counter is useful for sequential labels such as Sprint 1, Sprint 2, and so on.

Step 5: Define Cadence Details

Optionally, select a parent cadence for nested structures and choose a color to visually distinguish this cadence in the calendar view.

Step 6: Save the Cadence

Click Create Cadence to save the new or updated cadence. This will structure how new cycles are generated, providing clarity and consistency for your team's workflow.

By following these steps, you can ensure your project timelines are well-organized and clearly communicated within your organization.

Remember, the cadence setup will affect how new cycles or sprints are generated and managed within your boards, providing a clear structure for your team's workflow.


Creating a New Folder

Step 1: Accessing the 'New Folder' Dialog

  • Click on the NEW button next to 'Folders' to open the 'New Folder' dialog box.

Step 2: Configuring the New Folder

  • Location: Choose where this new folder will be nested within your board structure.
  • Name: Provide a name for the new folder.
  • Configuration: Specify whether the folder can contain other folders, boards, or cycles.
  • Cadence for Cycles: Select a cadence for the cycles that will be contained within this folder.

Step 3: Setting Status and Team Defaults

  • Status Collection for Cycles: Select the default status collection for cycles created in this folder.
  • Default Team for Cycles: Choose a default team to associate with the cycles in this folder.

Step 4: Creating the Folder

  • Click Create Folder to complete the setup.

create new folder.png

Favoring a Cycle

To favor a cycle:

  1. Locate the cycle you want to favor.
  2. Click on the star icon next to the cycle name. This will highlight the cycle.
  3. Favored cycles will appear in a dedicated section at the top of your board or in a sidebar for easy access.

By favoring a cycle, you can quickly access the cycles you interact with most frequently, keeping them at the forefront of your planning and daily work.

This guide should provide you with a clear understanding of how to manage boards, cadences, and folders within DevStride, facilitating better organization and planning for your projects.

For further assistance or more detailed instructions, please refer to the DevStride Help Center or reach out to the support team at info@devstride.com

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