Gantt Charts Basics
  • 17 Jan 2024
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Gantt Charts Basics

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Article Summary

Gantt Chart

A visual representation of the project schedule, showing tasks, durations, dependencies, milestones, and other relevant information.


A specific activity or work item that needs to be completed in a project.

Start and End Date

Start Date: The date when a task is scheduled to begin.

End Date: The date when a task is scheduled to be completed.


The relationships between tasks that determine the order in which they must be completed. A task can have one or more predecessors (tasks that must be completed before it) and/or successors (tasks that cannot begin until it is complete).


A significant event or achievement that marks a major stage in the project. Milestones are usually represented as diamonds in a Gantt chart.

Critical Path

The sequence of tasks that must be completed on time in order to finish the project on schedule. Any delays in a critical path task will cause a delay in the overall project schedule.


The amount of time a task can be delayed without affecting the project schedule. Tasks with no slack are considered critical and must be completed on time.

Resource Allocation

The assignment of people, equipment, and other resources to tasks in a project.

Progress Tracking

The process of monitoring and updating the status of tasks in a project. This helps to identify delays or potential problems and take corrective action.


The original project plan, including task durations and start/end dates. The baseline is used as a reference point for tracking progress and measuring

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