Adding a Folder
  • 20 Mar 2024
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Adding a Folder

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Article Summary

Creating a Folder in Boards for Organized Project Management

Organizing your project management tool effectively can be the difference between clarity and chaos in your workflow. DevStride offers a Boards feature that uses Folders to help categorize and manage various aspects of your projects. Here's a guide on creating a folder in Boards and its most efficient use case.

Creating a Folder in Boards


Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Navigate to Boards: On your DevStride dashboard, select "Boards" from the left-hand side menu.
  2. New Folder: Click on the "New Folder" button, usually located at the top right corner of your Boards section.
  3. Folder Details:
    • Parent Folder: Select a parent folder if you want to create a sub-folder, or leave it as the main folder.
    • Name: Enter a descriptive name for your folder.
    • Configuration: Decide if the folder can contain boards, cycles, or both.
    • Cadence for Cycles: If the folder will contain cycles, select the cadence. Cycles will be automatically created based on this cadence.
    • Status Collection for Cycles: Choose a status collection for organizing the cycles.
    • Default Team for Cycles: Optionally, you can select a default team for the cycles.
  4. Create Folder: After entering all details, click "Create Folder".


Efficient Use Case: Sprint Management

The most efficient use of a folder in Boards is for managing sprints in an agile workflow. Here's why:

  • Organization: Folders can represent different sprints, with each containing boards that reflect the sprint's goals.
  • Clarity: Having a separate folder for each sprint helps team members quickly locate their current work and understand what's upcoming.
  • Automation: By setting up a cadence, new cycles (sprints) are automatically created, ensuring consistent sprint durations and easier planning.
  • Status Tracking: Assigning a status collection to cycles within a folder helps maintain consistency in how sprint progress is reported and tracked.


Using folders in Boards to manage sprints ensures that each sprint is clearly defined within your project management tool. It enhances the visibility of tasks, centralizes communication on sprint-related work items, and ultimately supports a more organized and efficient agile process.

Please note that the actual interface and options might differ based on the version of DevStride you are using, so always refer to the latest user manual or support resources for the most accurate guidance.

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